The Yiddish Horoscope דער ייִדישער האָראָסקאָפּ
“Find your mazl below for” געפֿינט אײַער מזל פֿאַר Gefint ayer mazl far
The Ram: דער באַראַן
Der Baran
This year will be a year of mental activities for der Baran and is an excellent time to take risks, for mazl is with you. From communications and interactions with other people to things that pique your own interest, in this year 5777 expect to explore and find answers. It is tsayt to take those stances and voice your opinion on what you believe.
Advice: Use this heightened sense of mental activity to create new connections or rekindle old friendships, as they will all be beneficial to you. Explore those mysteries that have always boggled your mind, and you will find yourself understanding a whole new world. It is best not to hesitate when your kishkes tell you it’s right; the moment is fleeting and one rarely gets a second chance. Use social media to find a local group that has similar interest and spark the way for your ideals. Whether facebook, twitter, instagram, or pinterest, find your niche and make the velt a better place.
Dos mazl דאָס מזל – luck.
Di kishkes די קישקעס – guts.
Di tsayt (די צײַט) – time
Di Velt (די װעלט) – world
אַז מען שפּאַרט זיך אײַן פֿירט מען אויס.
Az men shpart zikh ayn firt men oys.
If you’re determined, you will succeed.
Famous Yiddish Aries Icons:
Chaim Grade b. April 5th, 1910.
Harry Thomashefsky, (Actor, son of Boris (founder of Yiddish theater in the US)) b. March 21, 1895.
The Bull: דער ביק
Der Bik
Good news is expected in the year 5777 for der Bik. This is der Bik’s month of surprises like coveted farbetungen and unexpected windfalls. If you’ve been confused lately, the news will firn you in the right direction. However, you may meet some obstacles once you’ve found your veg. With an imaginative moyekh that is overflowing with ideas, you will feel the need to do everything. This year brings in an abundance of gedanken for the New Year for der bik.
Advice: Keep practical and work through your ideas in a timely fashion. Also, practice saying “yo” to whatever comes your way; staying alert for new openings can lead to better success. But remember, meticulous planning and careful thoughts in the details will allow you to move forward in anything that you pursue.
Di farbetung/en די פֿאַרבעטונג/ ען – the invitation(s).
yo יאָ – yes.
Der gedank/en (דער געדאַנק/ ען) – idea(s), thought(s)
Der moyekh (דער מוח) – mind
Firn (פֿירן) – to guide or to lead
Veg (װעג) – way or path
טו דאָס דײַניקע װעט גאָט טאָן דאָס זײַניקע
Tu dos daynike vet God ton dos zaynike.
You do your part and God will do His.
Famous Yiddish Taurus Icons:
Theodore Bikel May 2nd, 1924.
I.L Peretz May 18th, 1852.
Max Weinreich (Yiddish linguist) b. April 22nd, 1894.
Twins: צװילינג
Di Tsviling
As a sign of two sides, the year 5777 will bring in positive energy to both external and internal aspects for di Tsviling. On the social side of life, you will feel more connected to your friends and family. On the other ek, your personal life, you will find new ideas on old projects or ideas for new projects. A voyage beckons for di Tsviling this year, whether making plans to see the glaciers before they melt, or picking epl in the country. The year head looks mighty productive for di Tsviling.
Advice: Don’t get mired in everyday routine; it’s the rayzes, big and small, that give one’s life needed spice. Take advantage of the new influx of positive koyekh to rekindle old friendships and old projects. Those old projects that you have been neglecting, now is a good time to restart them. This also means that it is a good time to reconnect with old friends. This yor is all about finishing unfinished asokim.
Der epl ( ) דער עפּל ( ) – apple.
Di rayze (s) די רײַזע (ס) – trip/ voyage/ travel
Dos yor דאָס יאָר – the year
Der eysek/ di asokim (דער עסק/ די עסקים) – business(es)
Der ek (דער עק) – the end
Der koyekh (דער כּוח) – the energy
אַז מען זיצט אין דער היים צערײַסט מען נישט די שיך.
Az men zitst in der heym tserayst men nisht di shikh.
Sitting at home doesn’t wear out your boots.
Famous Yiddish Gemini Icons:
Itzik Manger May 30th, 1901.
Rachel Korn June 15th, 1898.
Avrom Sutzkever July 15th, 1913.
The Crab: דער קראַב
Der Krab
5777 will bring gelegnheytn all round for der Krab, whether its business, a hobby, or even in romance. However, the devil is in the details. Your workload will begin to increase. You may convince yourself that you need to take time to opruen zikh because it will help you focus later. This year brings a welcome sense of abundance for the krab, so you’ll want to be on the lookout for shnorers hunting for money you’d rather not give.
Advice: Telephone with caller ID; optimally, caller ID announcement so you don’t waste your time racing across the room. Though giving to a good cause is always a mitsve. Gefinen an efficient method to handle the little details, you must find a systematic method to sift through everything. Focus on the task at hand a little at a time. Do what needs to be done and you will set yourself up for future hatslokhe.
Der shnorer דער שנאָרער – Someone who annoyingly asks for money, for themselves or a cause.
Di mitsve די מצוה – The blessing, good deed.
Di geleygnheyt(n) (געלעגנהײט/ ן די) – The opportunity(ies), chance(s)
Gefinen (געפֿינען) – to find
opruen zikh (אָפּרוען זיך) – to relax (rest for oneself)
Di hatslokhe (הצלחה) – the success
געלט פֿאַרלוירן, גאָרניט פֿאַרלוירן; מוט פֿאַרלוירן, אַלץ פֿאַרלוירן
Gelt farloyrn, gornit farloyrn; mut farloyrn, alts farloyrn.
Money lost, nothing lost; courage lost, everything lost.
Famous Yiddish Cancer Icons:
I.B. Singer July 14th, 1904.
Benjamin Harshav June 26th, 1928.
The Lion: דער לייב
Der Leyb
The year will test der Leyb. Things will occur that will cause you to become lost in thought. Bad news or obstacles that look insurmountable may cause your mind to wander. When life seems to be at a standstill, you will be like a vogler in the desert, not knowing which way is right. However, good eytses come from the most unlikely sources to der leyb this year, so challenges can easily become great opportunities.
Advice: Keep your eyes and ears attuned to profound emes, for sometimes messengers come in disguise; the tiniest nudge can steer you in the right direction. Shtel tsu time to yourself to assess your thoughts. In doing so, you will heyln any damage caused by challenging vents occurring last year. Then reassess your tsiln; determine if you are on track or not. Whether you are on track or not, trust in yourself and see your way through to your goals. Once you do so, you may find yourself in a creative mood. Channel your energy into an artistic medium to express your pent up feelings.
Di eytse (s) די עצה (עצות) – The advice.
Der emes דער אמת – The truth.
Der Vogler דער װאָגלער – The wanderer
Der Tsil/ n ציל/ן – The goal(s)
Tsushteln (צושטעלן) Tּo provide, add, or offer
Heyln (הײלן) – To heal
האָט ניט קײן מורא װען איר האָט ניט קײן אַנדערע ברירה.
Hot nit keyn meyre ven ir nit keyn andere breyre.
Don’t be afraid when you have no other choice.
Famous Yiddish Leo Icons:
The Maiden: די מויד
Di Moyd
The year 5777 is a year of productivity for di Moyd. Relationships, work, and khaveyrim will bring about amazing ends to goals you have. However, because of all this, there is plenty of work to do. This year will be a year of health for di Moyd. If you haven’t been exercising enough, this is a good month for di Moyd to do some extra shvitsn because you’ll be easily motivated. However, as the year goes on, you may find yourself more critical of yourself and those around you.
Advice: : Carve out a little tsayt every day for concentrated movement; even 20 minutes of brisk walking makes a big difference. Zukh to become healthy not for bodily image but for soulful health. As for those around you, you may think your criticism is bahilfik, but it is more hurtful than helpful, so be wary when commenting to help a friend. Use the geduld you were blessed with to work things out and it will be a blessing to you.
Shvitsn שװיצן – To sweat, sweating.
Di tsayt די צײַט – Time.
Der khaver/ khaveyrim דער חבֿר/ ים – Friends
Dos geduld דאָס געדולד – Patience
Zukhn (זוכן) – To look for, seek
Bahilfik (באַהילפֿיק) – Helpful, in assistance of
אַ קלײן שטײנדל קען אױך מאַכן אַ גרױסע לאָך.
A kleyn shteyndl ken oykh makhn a groyse lokh.
A small stone can also make a big hole.
Famous Yiddish Virgo Icons:
Shmuel Iris (Yiddish actor and translator)
Ida Kaminska (famous Yiddish actress)
The Scales: די װאָגשאָלן
Di Vogsholn
Di Vogsholn (scales) will see some noytn in 5777, but you will have added koykhes to persevere through any challenges that come your way. This year di Vogsholn will be sought after for their wisdom. You will be torn by what is the ethical decision and what is the kinder decision. Erlekhkayt being your best trait, people will come to you for eytses. However, you can be brutally honest sometimes and that is not conducive in helping. When people come to you for advice, be gentle, they seek your wisdom.
Advice: Rethink some of your beliefs; assess them according to the situation and see if they hold up to the pressure. A nayer way of thinking may be the best road as the year 5777 is also the time for di Vogsholn to expand their perspectives. Start by listening, whether it’s to your competitors, mishpokhe, friends, or your body; assume that they’re trying to tell you something.
Der koyekh/ koykhes דער כּוח/ חות – The strength(s)
Di mishpokhe די משפּחה – The family
Di erlekhkayt די ערלעכקײַט – The honesty
Di eytse(s) עצה/ עצות – The advice
Der noyt(n) (נױט) – The hardship(s), distress(es)
Nay (er/e) נײַ(ער/ע) – new
דער כּעס און דער צאָרן פֿאַרקירצן די יאָרן.
Der kas un der tsorn farkirtsn di yorn.
Bad temper and anger shorten your years.
Famous Yiddish Libra Icons:
Joseph Bovshover
Moshe Shklar (Yiddish poet)
The Scorpion: דער סקאָרפּיאָן
Der Skorpion
The year 5777 will be a year of decisions for der Skorpion. Der Skorpion may voice meynungen more than usual for this year. You may have put off different bashlisn and agreements. You have to come to a decision and arrangements. This year is for der skorpion to take fewer risks as the tendency will be to relax and go with the flow.
Advice: take a step back and see the bigger picture. More often than not, you will find yourself strongly opposing ideas with which you disagree. This may alienate your friends and mishpokhe from you. Press for solutions to gnarly problems only when the time feels right; being too ongeshpart at the inopportune moment could bring more tsores. Be more accommodating.
Der bashlus/di bashlisn דער באַשלוס/ באַשליסן – Decision(s)
Di meynung(en) די מײנונג/ ען – opinion(s)
Di mishpokhe משפּחה די – Family
Ongeshpart אָנגעשפּאַרט – stubborn
Di tsore (s) די צרה / צרות – trouble(s)
אַלץ איז גוט נאָר אין דער צײַט.
Alts is gut nor in der tsayt.
Everything is good only at the right time.
Famous Yiddish Scorpio Icons:
The Centaur: דער סענטאָר
Der Sentor
This year may become busy for the Sentor. Work may brengen about more demands. Getting things perfect is your forte, but that can slow you down, nothing is perfekt. Your own personal life may start to demand your reassessment.
Advice: Remember your goals. When demands at work seem shver, work through them diligently and you will find yourself more proud than you ever were. Refocus your personal goals for your personal life. Stick to those goals and stay true to your beliefs and you will find yourself ahead of the plan. Don’t be too ongeshpart about perfection. Focus on the task at hand and you’ll finish the job just as imagined.
Perfekt פּערפֿעקט – perfect
Ongeshpart אָנגעשפּאַרט – stubborn
Brengen ברענגען – to bring
Shver שװער – hard or difficult
Di Shverste melokhe iz leydik tsu geyn.
די שװערסטע מלוחה איז לײדיק צו גײן.
The hardest work is to be idle.
Famous Yiddish Sagittarius Icons:
Rochl Auerbach (Author)
I J Singer (Yiddish writer) b. November 30, 1893
Celia Dropkin (Poet)
The Mountain goat: דער באָק
Der Bok
Der Bok should look into its personal life in 5777. As the year will be highlighting areas of love and self-expression, it is a perfect time for der Bok to recharge its neshome this year, as there will be plenty of opportunities. However, this time can become destructive because you might start to benken nokh attention and validation. But remember, sholem is the core of your nature. Seeking harmony and peace, you will wish to appease everyone. This will end up being detrimental to your health.
Advice: Pause for a moment and realize that validations from others are not as needed as validation from zikh. Use this time to seek reunion rather than attention. Spend quality time with those that count, whether for a week or weekend; this includes family and fraynd and most of all, yourself. Designate a day to yourself. Have a spa day, take a hike, or enjoy a book and a nice cup of tea.
Di neshome (es) די נשמה/ נשמות – soul/spirit
Der fraynd/di fraynd/-דער פֿרײַנד־ friend (s)
Der Sholom דער שלום – peace
Benken (nokh) בענקען (נאָך)) – long for, yearn for
Zikh זיך – reflexive, oneself
פֿון אײַלעניש קומט קיין גוטס נישט אַרויס.
Fun aylenish kumt keyn guts nisht aroys.
Acting out of pressure doesn’t lead to good results.
Famous Yiddish Capricorn Icons:
Water carrier: דער װאַסער־טרעגער
Der Vaser-Treger
The year 5777 will be challenging and as perplexing as the personality of der Vaser-treger. Situations will arise that will push your knepl. There may be a feeling of uneasiness as your tsenter may be off balans. However, this year brings with it a whiff of romance for der Vaser-treger, so you’ll want to be on the lookout for a new love interest.
Advice: Best to be oysgeputst wherever you go and be open to new things; don’t rule out your existing mate who is surely your bashert. But remember, when angered, don’t let out all your grudges; you may come to badoyeren it later. Instead, cool off somewhere alone, you’ll be happier you did that in the long run. This year is when you use your creative mind to reevaluate areas of your life in a different direction. It may take a lot of work and become tedious, but in the end will be for the better.
Oysgeputst אויסגעפּוצט – Well turned-out; dressed up.
Bashert (der bahserter/ di basherte) באַשערט (דער באַשערטער/די באַשערטע) — Soulmate; the love of one’s life.
Dos Knepl קנעפּל דאָס – button
Badoyeren באַדויערען – regret
Der tsenter דער צענטער – center
Der balans דער באַלאַנס – balance
אַז דו װעסט פֿאָרן פּאַמעלעכ װעסטו שנעלער אָנקומען.
Az du vest forn pamelekh vestu shneler onkumen.
The slower you drive, the quicker you’ll arrive.
Famous Yiddish Aquarius Icons:
The Fish: דער פֿיש
Der Fish
5777 will offer revitalizing energy and focus for der Fish. This is an ideal year for the Fish to pay attention to anything you might have overlooked about your gezunt because you will have the focus to do so. The drive to achieve your goals is your strength. But don’t lose focus of those around you.
Advice: Best to schedule that annual physical or dental cleaning; things could get tsedreyt if attention isn’t paid in time. Use this energy to reconnect with any relatives with whom you’ve had miscommunications. The energy of the year 5777 will also gib you the strength to tackle any projects others might find intimidating. You will endikn strong as the year 5777 will provide you with strength to carry onward. Schedule a day to hang out with friends. Go to the kino, have a game day, or just have vetshere together. Family and friends are just as important as financial success.
Di gezunt די געזונט – health
tsedreyt צעדרייט – out of hand/ mixed up
Der kino (דער קינאָ) – movie theater
Di vetshere (די װעטשערע) – dinner, supper
Gib (Gebn) (גיט(געבן)) – to give
Endikn (ענדיקן) – to finish
אַרײַן איז די טיר ברייט; נאָר אַרויס איז זי שמאָל
Arayn iz di tir breyt; nor aroys iz zi shmol.
The door in (to bad choices) is wide; but the return is narrow.
Famous Yiddish Pisces Icons
Lamed Shapiro (Writer)
Esther Rochel Kaminska (Actress)
Sources: Mirele the Prophetess; 1001 Yiddish Proverbs, Fred Kogos, 1970.